Sunday, November 15, 2009

Round 5 of popular baby names from the 1880's & *BNG #4*?

ATTENTION: I know you may not like some of these names and I know some of them are what we now consider nicknames but can you please just work with me.

Also if your not going to answer properly, just click the back button.

The following names are the next round of popular names in the 1880's commencing from #151 to 200.What do you think of them? Which ones do you like?


Claud, Roscoe, Sylvester, Earnest, Hiram, Otis, Simon, Willard, Irvin, Mark, Jose, Wilbur, Abraham, Virgil, Clinton, Elbert, Leslie, Marshall, Owen, Wiley, Anton, Morris, Manuel, Phillip, Augustus, Emmett, Eli, Nicholas, Wilson, Alva, Harley, Newton, Timothy, Marvin, Ross, Curtis, Edmund, Jeff, Elias, Harrison, Stanley, Columbus, Lon, Ora, Ollie, Russell, Pearl (?!?), Solomon, Arch, Asa.


Alta, Celia, Christine, Beatrice, Birdie, Harriett, Mable, Myra, Sophie, Tillie, Isabel, Sylvia, Carolyn, Isabelle, Leila, Sally, Ina, Essie, Bertie (?!?), Nell, Alberta, Katharine, Lora, Rena, Mina, Rhoda, Mathilda, Abbie, Eula, Dollie, Hettie, Eunice, Fanny, Ola, Lenora, Adelaide, Christina, Lelia, Nelle, Sue, Johanna, Lily, Lucinda, Minerva, Lettie, Roxie, Cynthia, Helena, Hilda, Hulda.

Here's the proof -

Now for the Baby Name Game

Congrats!!! You have (or your wife/girlfriend if your a man) just given birth to sextuplets. 3 girls %26amp; 3 boys. From the list above, pick out 3 girls %26amp; 3 boys that you will name your new babies. The names above HAVE to be the first names. You can choose your own middle names if you wish

Elias Michael

Nicholas Grady

Emmett Jason

Johanna Ruth

Isabelle Ruby

Adelaide Sarah

Round 5 of popular baby names from the 1880's %26amp; *BNG #4*?
They're not bad names, actually they're cute.


1: Harley James

2: Emmett Alexander

3: Edmund Joel


1: Celia Ruth

2: Lily Christine

3: Mathilda (Pronounced like Muh-til-duh) Lucille
Reply:Nicholas Brian

Jeff Ross

Mark Harrison

Cynthia Lynn

Katharine Marie

Leila Christine

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