Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why do people pick such odd baby names?

I don't mean to seem like I'm trying to stir up ill feeling, but why do some many people on here test out such weird baby names?

I can totally understand that people want a unique name for their child, but don't they think about the teasting and misinterpretation the kid is in for in later life?

Why don't people pick classic, meaningful, and traditional names for their children anymore? If I see one more metion of a Cody, Rumer, Ty, Bryant, Krystal, or Tyler I'm going to turn religious, just so I can pray to a God that these children won't get such a hard time at school!!!!

Maybe someone can explain the motivation behind giving kids such weird names which will make them stick out all of their lives?

Why do people pick such odd baby names?
I completely agree. While I appreciate the desire for something unique, it seems to have gone overboard.

And it's true that a child's name effects them for their whole life.

I have a friend with one of those "weird" names, and it causes her boatloads of problems. People don't believe that it's really her name...she has to explain it, and spell it, to each person she meets, and making a simple dinner reservation is a pain in the neck.

Her brother was given a traditional name with a unique spelling. In kindergarten, he was sent home because the teacher thought he was being smart and refusing to spell his name correctly. And sadly, it's the type of name that can cross over genders - the spelling means everyone who doesn't know him thinks he's female.

For real people - remember that your child is supposed to be the one person on the planet that you love more than life itself. Don't be selfish and pick a name that you like - give your child the gift of having a name that THEY will like.
Reply:Neveah is Heaven backwards. I thought that heaven backwards was spelled H-E-L-L.

People just want to sound different, but they are exactly the same. Notice they all give their kids "original" names that are not only exactly the same, but the exact same as ten years ago. What is that? You can't be original if you can't be unique. Just stay traditional and don't turn your baby into a freak trying to make people think you are cool. Defeats the purpose. But what are we going to do about it? Nothing.
Reply:I agree to a certain extent.

My mom gave me a hideous name, which I recently changed because my line of work called for something much more catchy and easy to recognize.

On the converse side, I don't think any parent intentionally gives their kids hideous names. I think it may mean something to them or stand out in their minds at the time. Sometimes a person's name serves as a marker for what was going on in the world at the time - hence the insurgence of names like "Sunshine" in the 60's. So kids are like growing time capsules and our names reflect a moment in time for our parents in a way.
Reply:I think that some people have different tastes in names and i agree that the kids with weird names might get fun of. But i mean, if everyone had basically the same names names wouldnt mean anything anymore and everyone have names like sara or max... Boring... they should have something unique and meaningful
Reply:well, Im sorry but i gotta DISAGREE with you, my freind! I LOVE UNIQUE and different names and i spell my kids names different also!!! Tara, Desire', Bradii' and Takoda (*boy)

I suffered ALL MY LIFE with a HORRIBLE name from the bible that NO DRs office, no TEACHER, no anybody could ever get right!!! My name was NEVER on license plates or hair barrets or gadgets.....I hated THAT!!! Nowadays you can add your own so its NO BIGGIE!!! and my kids LOVE THEIR NAMES!!!! and peeps have even copied the name BRADII' *Brady* (girl) spelled Bradii'

Ive seen it MANY a time now as we had our own businesses and know many a people

Its a HOOT!!!
Reply:I think people just want to give their kids unique names but it just doesn't work out for them. Someone here last night wanted to name their girl whisper. Gimme a break. I feel sorry for kids with weird names.
Reply:Maybe they think it sounds cool, or they just want to be unique.

Cody, Tyler, and Krystal aren't weird, though. I hear those names a lot.

What I can't stand is when people take perfectly nice names such as Natalie or Cassie and make up weird variations, like Natalii, Kassee, etc.
Reply:In a world full of Grace's and Madison's people want something unique and individual but they do take it too far. I personally prefer names that are sort of old-fashioned and a little different like: Eliza, Rosalie and Cecilia. Hope this helped.
Reply:An example of an odd baby name is:

Conner (I can't) cope

My Sister told me that when she was working in the maternity ward at hospital.
Reply:cuz they like the name SIMPLE AS THAT!!!!
Reply:Also, they don't realize that if thier kid is going to stand out, it's not going to be for the name. A gorgeous girl named Emily is still going to get asked out more than an average looking girl named Whisper or Madyson with a Y instead of an I. The only thing a wierd name does is make a wierd kid stand out even more to bullies.
Reply:last time I checked Chrystal and Tyler were classic/traditional names.

I don't know why parents do that. They do seem to forget how we feel with those names. Growing up I hated my name: Tyonka (pronounce like the name Bianca except with a T). People use to call me Tonka Truck. and Tonka toy.

But now that I am older, I can appreciate being different. I am going to name my children a common classical name that way they are not discriminated against just because of their name.
Reply:I think it's just that there is a fine line between unique and original names and just plain weird ones, and sometimes people can't distinguish the difference.

I win, it's unique and beautiful - my girls name.

I think people just want their chilld to have this amazing unique 'one time only' name but too many people are doing the..







I'm soooo kewl I can name my child something stupid and they'll love me trend!

Go back to basics.

Someone asked earlier what we thought of Ivy-May for a name. I adored it! it's olde english and, i'll bet like Heidi she's one of none in her school!


Best Wishes

Reply:i actually think the only one weird that you mentioned was rumor.

that being said, i think the weird names for me are NEVEAH, and anything spelled differently or with lots of extra y's in it.

it really annoys me when everyone wants to name their kids the same thing because its soo popular, like emma,emily,ella,madison,


i mean they think that they are being sooo original, but they really have no clue.

seriously, pay attention on here, everyone asks about like the same 20 names over and over again!!
Reply:Not everybody likes classic or traditional names and I would remind you that every generation has their set of trendy names. You only have to look through an old church directory of christenings to see how that goes.

My name choices are mostly Finnish/German/Scandanavian. They would all stand out today because we have few immigrants from those nations today. However Gaelic names are going through immense popularity now, so lots of Keegans and Liams will continue to appear.

Most of the names you are listing were actually surnames. That used to just be a Southern tradition, but apparently popular elsewhere now. I don't actually know any kid who was teased for their first name, so perhaps that isn't a common thing to happen in either place I grew up in.

My pet peeve is parents who think weird spellings of names is great. All that happens is that people think they can't spell and the poor kid has to respell his/her name the rest of their lives.
Reply:People try to be so individualistic, that they end up the same. I have an utterly normal name - Mark. And I see noone with it nowadays. However, in an upcoming class, they have 4 Jordans, and in my utterly small school I there were atleast 10 Ashleys.
Reply:I think it is that people would love their little one to stand out and not have the same names as a million other children out there, I think sometimes it is good to be different but not way out so that Children feel bad or are even bullied about their names, I am trying to pick a name at the moment for my daughter after having 4 sons I want her to have a lovely but individual name without going OTT and calling her Apple or something, she will have a name that people have heard of but there are not a lot of them with the same name, but I do understand your way of thinking X
Reply:Your question is mean.

Sorry but if you think something you know is mean keep it to your self.

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