Thursday, April 15, 2010

Help...I want your opinion on some baby names.....?

So, I just got knocked up and will be appearing on the Murry show. I would like to tell the baby daddy the names that I am thinking of. I really want some opinions on the baby names. I really want this baby to go far in life and have a strong name! Here is a list tell me what you think...

Boy names

Fuller (cause that's the street the baby was conceived on)

Dequawn (covering my basis because he may be ethnic)

Bill Gates Jr. (It's good to have a strong and wealthy background)

Jude (cause that's one of my favorite Beatles song)

Girls Names

Diamond (It's not only a strippers name but they are a girls best friend)

Precious (cause that's what babies are)

Cupcake (cause that's what I ate when I found out I was pregnant)

Deion (cause the letters represent all my best friends)

Help...I want your opinion on some baby names.....?
Please tell me you're kidding about being knocked up. LOL

Diamond for a girl.

Bill Gates Jr. for a boy, although technically, unless he da baby daddy, he wouldn't be a junior. You could just call him Bill Gates.

If I were to have a baby girl right now, her name would be Alice Pearl. Or Jacqueline Sparrow. I haven't decided yet.

If I were to have a boy, his name would be Ledger. Or perhaps Jack Sparrow. I also like Augustus, Roman and Royal (Augustus Royal would be the full name). I have always loved Jefferson Alexander and Julian Fox. Don't ask why. Just assume I am weird.
Reply:Jude and diamond are the only ones that even make sense.

the others are like telivison or cartoon names. Report Abuse

Reply:OMG, people . . . Just the mention of Murry should have tipped you off. Report Abuse

Reply:Truth be told, Jude is the only name on your list I really like. With all due respects, your kid would probably die of shame before he/she reached the fifth grade with one of the other names on your list.

My favorite boy's names are Bobby, William, Frank, Floyd, and Roman. My favorite girl's names are Eda, Iris, Rebecca, and Jo. Do you like any of those?
Reply: awesome-- the great thing about being on Maury, is that they pay for the paternity testing. You only have to sit there for a little while on camera. Oh, where are my manners, congratulations on your great news. While I am pleasantly pleased to see that the name "Ted" has eluded your hit list, I am a little concerned about a postcard from the 'Maury" show that has just arrived at my home.
Reply:Oh Wow, do I hope this is a joke because if it's not then I have to say that I think you are a joke. Those names are horrible and I feel sorry for not only the baby to be but also whatever guy finds out he is the dad and has to deal with you for the next 18 years.
Reply:This is just me, but I honestly hate every name on that list. Fuller is the only one that is even near acceptable, and that's only because it's next to some really terrible alternatives. Again, just me. You don't need to take me seriously if you don't want to.
Reply:How do you think your baby is going to "go far in life" when you consider your pregnancy as getting "knocked up" %26amp; don't know who the father is. Class breeds class. And from your list of ghetto names - well, we all know what you'll be breeding.
Reply:Are these seriously your names. Sorry but i like none of them. Especially the girls names. Remember your baby has to have this name for the rest of it's life.
Reply:I really like Fuller Jude or Jude Fuller, and as for a girl I really like Precious but I'm not too keen on the rest of the names.


Reply:The only one I would advise is Jude

The rest wont get the child far in life.

Non-one will hire someone called Cupcake!
Reply:I think if you're going where the baby was conceived you should just go all out and call the boy Basement Couch.
Reply:Dequawan and Deion, the rest are too common!
Reply:I like the name fuller a lot! i dont like any of the girl names... to weird
Reply:I'm liking Blanket....Boy or Girl.

You are not the father!

Mix and match, Baby!

My fav is Precious Cupcake.
Reply:this is a joke.
Reply:i dont like those names maybe maddie gabby maggie lol
Reply:are you ted peterson?


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